Hindi Blog: Dynamic blogging application for Hindi readers


🦚 Description 🦚

Hindi Blog is a fully dynamic MERN Stack application. On the front-end side, it is purely built with create-react-app & Redux and on the back-end side NodeJs, ExpressJs, Mongoose & MongoDB is used to develop it.

The users of this application can register and login into the application. Only the admins of the application can access the admin panel. JWT authentication is used for the purpose of authentication and authorization.

Admin can create, edit, delete the post and see the list of all posts. Admin can see and delete the reviews on posts of the registerd user. Admin can see the list of users, can delete any user and can make other user admin.

🦚 Technology 🦚

  • Javascript

  • ReactJs

  • Redux

  • Sass

  • NodeJs

  • ExpressJs

  • Mongoose

  • MongoDB

  • 🦚 Landing Page 🦚


    🦚 Admin Section 🦚


    🦚 List of Blogs 🦚
